Davide and Silvia, guides AIGAE, are the best connoisseurs of the most particular paths among the many of our mountains. They will guide you to the discovery of ancient routes and villages, stories of peoples that today have gradually disappeared, lulled by exciting landscapes.
Fumaiolo Trails: http://www.fumaiolosentieri.it/calendario-eventi/
The top experts of the cradle of the Tevere River springs: Monte Fumaiolo
With a dense network of professional guides, they will take you in winter to walk on the snows of the highest peak of our Apennines and in summer they will let you discover its dense network of trails. On the web-site you will find all the excursions available.
Quote 900: https://www.quota900.com/escursioni
Specialists of the National Park, with particular attention to the discovery of the Tuscan side. They will take you on the UNESCO World Heritage routes, both in winter with snowshoes and in summer with boots. Exceptional storytellers of the territory.